Koepon Foundation is supporting an innovative dairy project in Kenya. Students and young
farmers are trained with a hands-on training which is combined with a game based
entrepreneurship course. WUR is performing an impact study.
Two dutch companies (Kucheza and DTC) are collaborating with a Kenian college (RVIST)
in this project. Kucheza is specialized in training entrepreneurship and uses gaming as a
training tool. Dairy Training Center (DTC) transfers knowledge and practical dairy skills with
a hands-on training. Kucheza and DTC partnered with RVIST where more than 10,000
students are trained in various courses.
Kucheza and DTC enrolled an attractive dairy training program at RVIST and are training 25
trainers. The trainers are capacitated with knowledge and skills to train 100s of students and
The dairy training program is about: optimizing production, feed management,
crossbreeding, hygiene, costprice calculations, cashflow, income statements and broader
Central in this program is the method of game-based learning in which Kucheza is
specialized. Game-based learning is fun and the retention rate of what is learned is nearly
90% where as conventional learning methods have a rentention rate of ca. 20%.
To measure the impact of this training program, Koepon Foundation requested Wageningen
University and Research (WUR) to do an in-depth impact study. The researchers of WUR
are studying the results of the training program at the levels of trainers, students and
The first results of the impact study are expected in Q1 2024.