Massive Open Online Course – WUR

Wageningen University & Research offers MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) to give
better access to high quality Education.
Koepon Foundation funded two MOOCs: MOOC Evaluating Animal Breeding Programmes
and MOOC Genetic Models for Animal Breeding. The two MOOCs are a hugh success,
since 2017 nearly 25.000 students of more than 20 different countries, enrolled and finished
the trainings.
To offer education in animal breeding and genetics to a global audience is especially
valuable for people and students who may not have the opportunity to attend traditional
on-campus programs or who want to supplement their existing knowledge. MOOC’s are
making academic education available and accessible for everyone.
You can still register for the courses. We recommend enrolling and taking a look at the
course info and course syllabus to learn more.
In the first MOOC ‘Evaluating Animal Breeding Programs’ students learn how to evaluate an
ongoing breeding programs in terms of both genetic progress and genetic diversity, and how
to translate that genetic progress from the breeding program to the farmer’s work.
This course introduces the steps required to design a program for breeding animals and
teaches the genetic and statistical concepts that are needed to build a solid breeding
More information can be found:

In second the MOOC ‘Genetic Models for Animal Breeding’ students learn to understand the
genetic and statistic principles that enable responsible animal breeding. They learn how to
set up a breeding program and apply genetic models and tools to predict the breeding value.
More information can be found:

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