Biological control of livestock ticks and tick-borne diseases in coastal Kenya

Joseph Wang’ang’a Oundo This research aimed to investigate the occurence of tick-borne infections in cattle in coastal Kenya and evaluate the potential of a biological control tool to mitigate these. Biological control tools are important for developing sustainable strategies to control ticks, which could enhance cattle health and productivity while minimizing environmental impact. We investigated […]
Raised Plinth Cluster Village in Bangladesh – Friendship

In the north of Bangladesh on islands in the river delta, plinths are being built to protect people and livestock from floods. Since 2006, Friendship has enhanced the design of these plinths. They are now oval-shaped, with a narrow end facing south, and include a freshwater pond, water and sanitation facilities including a disablity friendly latrine, a […]
Massive Open Online Course – WUR

Wageningen University & Research offers MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) to givebetter access to high quality Education.Koepon Foundation funded two MOOCs: MOOC Evaluating Animal Breeding Programmesand MOOC Genetic Models for Animal Breeding. The two MOOCs are a hugh success,since 2017 nearly 25.000 students of more than 20 different countries, enrolled and finishedthe trainings.To offer education […]
A future for young dairy farmers in Kenya

Koepon Foundation is supporting an innovative dairy project in Kenya. Students and youngfarmers are trained with a hands-on training which is combined with a game basedentrepreneurship course. WUR is performing an impact study.Two dutch companies (Kucheza and DTC) are collaborating with a Kenian college (RVIST)in this project. Kucheza is specialized in training entrepreneurship and uses […]
Adaptive phenotypic and genetic variation in chickens: a landscape genomicsapproach

Fasil is passionate about transforming the lives of smallholder livestock systems in tropicalcountries through agricultural research and development programs. Funded by the Koeponfoundation, he has been developing a new environmental classification system that could beused to understand how tropical livestock adapt to diverse and often extreme climaticconditions, and how climate could affect these populations in […]
Breeding for Salinity Tolerant Tilapia

Priadi Setyawan (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) is a modest man with a mission: to breed tilapiathat can thrive in shrimp ponds. Shrimps, like palm oil, are one of Indonesia’s major exportproducts. However, shrimp farming often leads to large-scale disease outbreaks, salinizationand pollution of water. For these reasons, many local farmers aim to change to a moresmall-scale, sustainable […]